forgive me if what has seemed little to you, to me is all.
484. TO AVOID THE CENTER OF THE STORM.--- In the immediate neighborhood of the center itself the winds attain full hurricane force, the sea is exceedingly turbulent, and there is danger of being taken aback. Every effort should therefore be made to avoid this region, either by running or by heaving-to; and if the recourse is had to the latter maneuver, much depends upon the selection of the proper tack; this being in every case the tack which will cause the wind to draw aft with each successive shift. A vessel hove-to in advance of a tropical cyclonic storm will experience a long heavy swell, a falling barometer with torrents of rain, and winds of steadily increasing force. The shifts of wind will depends upon the position of the vessel with respect to the path followed by the storm center. Immediately upon the path, the wind will hold steady in direction until the passage of the central calm, the "eye of the storm," after which the gale will renew itself, but from a direction opposite to that which it previously had. To the right of the path, or in the right-hand semicircle of the storm (the observer being supposed to face along the track), the wind, as the center advances and passes the vessel, will constantly shift to the right, the rate at which the successive shifts follow each other increasing with the proximity to the center; in this semicricle, then, in order that the wind shall draw aft with each shift, the vessel must hove-to on the starboard tack; similarly, in the left-hand semicricle, the wind will constantly shift to the left, and here the vessel must be hove-to on the port tack. These rules hold alike for both hemispheres and for cyclonic storms in all latitudes.
{ American Practical Navigator: An Epitome of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy }
House Republicans are doing their best to steer clear of embattled Rep. Matt Gaetz amid an FBI investigation into whether he broke sex trafficking laws and had sex with a 17-year-old girl. The Republican efforts to keep their distance from Gaetz also offer him a lifeline within the GOP conference, as he appears safe at the moment from facing retribution within the party unless formal charges are filed. House GOP leaders say they're waiting to see what comes of the Justice Department investigation before deciding on any action to take against Gaetz. And rank-and-file Republicans are trying to avoid answering questions or to change the subject when asked about their Florida colleague's possible legal troubles.