this time will be different

coty wild musk

A major civil rights group says the Justice Department has more a lot more power than it's using to change the behavior of local police departments. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to suspend grants to local law enforcement until he's sure that no federal taxpayer money is funding police departments that engage in discrimination, according to a letter obtained by NPR ."

It's here! The winners and losers of Apple's seismic privacy change

Stone Mountain Park CEO: 'Tell the truth' about carving, move flags

"You can often recognize a Victorian home from the street: Its elaborate architectural details, from fanciful trim work to stained glass windows, are a dead giveaway. But Victorian interiors were just as full of decorative flourishes, from luxuriant furniture to ornate molding and plasterwork --- including ceiling medallions ."

Austin or Boston? Making artificial speech more expressive, natural, and controllable

Boss Threatens Firing Over Jury Duty Absence, Gets Led Out in Cuffs

Chaos erupts immediately after northeast Kentucky gets its first roundabout

Alina Adams: What my daughter's high school wait list numbers drove home for me about the demand for charter schools among New York City families

Virginia plans one math path till 11th grade

What Teenagers Have Learned From a Tumultuous Time in Politics

Archaeologists Think They've Found Missing Link in Origin of the Alphabet

"Democrats have long considered Latinos a cornerstone of what I've called their "coalition of transformation," and assumed that more of these voters in the electorate translates to a widening advantage for their party. Trump's performance has introduced slivers of doubt that the equation is that simple. In the near term, some of the key factors that lifted Trump among Latinos could help Biden if he runs again in 2024. But a close examination of last year's results suggests that neither party should be entirely confident about the direction of this huge, but still dimly understood, voting bloc." [ The Atlantic ]

My current HTML boilerplate

Using noise in creative coding

Iceland's Eruption and the Northern Lights Captured in One Photo

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Pilot's Logbook

"Extraction" by Photographer Michal Łuczak

Coty Wild Musk: Use It Before You Stalk

You would be amazed what you could accomplish if you just shut the fuck up and weren't a piece of shit no good motherfucker low life dumb son of a bitch. Have a good day.

The Iron Sheik

April 27, 2021