ttwbd Rumblings

this time will be different

coty wild musk

A major civil rights group says the Justice Department has more a lot more power than it's using to change the behavior of local police departments. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to suspend grants to local law enforcement until he's sure that no federal taxpayer money is funding police departments that engage in discrimination, according to a letter obtained by NPR ."

It's here! The winners and losers of Apple's seismic privacy change

Stone Mountain Park CEO: 'Tell the truth' about carving, move flags

"You can often recognize a Victorian home from the street: Its elaborate architectural details, from fanciful trim work to stained glass windows, are a dead giveaway. But Victorian interiors were just as full of decorative flourishes, from luxuriant furniture to ornate molding and plasterwork --- including ceiling medallions ."

Austin or Boston? Making artificial speech more expressive, natural, and controllable

Boss Threatens Firing Over Jury Duty Absence, Gets Led Out in Cuffs

Chaos erupts immediately after northeast Kentucky gets its first roundabout

Alina Adams: What my daughter's high school wait list numbers drove home for me about the demand for charter schools among New York City families

Virginia plans one math path till 11th grade

What Teenagers Have Learned From a Tumultuous Time in Politics

Archaeologists Think They've Found Missing Link in Origin of the Alphabet

"Democrats have long considered Latinos a cornerstone of what I've called their "coalition of transformation," and assumed that more of these voters in the electorate translates to a widening advantage for their party. Trump's performance has introduced slivers of doubt that the equation is that simple. In the near term, some of the key factors that lifted Trump among Latinos could help Biden if he runs again in 2024. But a close examination of last year's results suggests that neither party should be entirely confident about the direction of this huge, but still dimly understood, voting bloc." [ The Atlantic ]

My current HTML boilerplate

Using noise in creative coding

Iceland's Eruption and the Northern Lights Captured in One Photo

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Pilot's Logbook

"Extraction" by Photographer Michal Łuczak

Coty Wild Musk: Use It Before You Stalk

You would be amazed what you could accomplish if you just shut the fuck up and weren't a piece of shit no good motherfucker low life dumb son of a bitch. Have a good day.

The Iron Sheik

April 27, 2021

this time will be different

Will country roads really take you home? That's the question raised by a new incentive program designed to draw workers freed from geography by remote-work options to live in the state of West Virginia. Ascend West Virginia is offering $12,000 and other perks as incentives to draw individuals, often high-income ones, who are now able to work from anywhere. Morgantown is the pilot site for the project, but other jurisdictions are planning to jump on board soon.

We suggest four areas for research that could accelerate potential solutions aimed at influencing white people's choices and dismantling the system of separate and unequal neighborhoods and schools built over generations.

Déby faced multiple coup attempts during his period in office, some even led by members of his own family. Chad's stability was only ever skin-deep, heavily dependent on the president's force of personality and adroit exercise of power. Now that stability could prove hard to sustain and assessments of the 'Après-Déby' moment have always been bleak.

Direct cash assistance helped Oklahoma families. Could these pandemic payments help pave the way for a Universal Basic Income?

White House closes in on 'families plan' spending proposal centered on child care, pre-K, paid leave

A central area of agreement among Americans is that they found an inner-strength. One-third (32%) said, "I am mentally and emotionally stronger than I thought I was,'' while a similar percentage (33%) said, "I learned how to be more self-sufficient and independent."

Mapping Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States

Latter-Day Saints leaders expel sex therapist for critiques

Grammer-Nerd Heaven

Yet another policing video has gone viral this week, although you'll be forgiven if you missed it in the midst of its more headline-grabbing counterparts. The cellphone video, which has received more than 5 million views on Twitter, shows no less than six police confronting a group of teenagers in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Their crime? Riding bicycles without a license.

Addressing the information gap for Black West Virginians

'The pressure cooker is primed to explode': How instant messaging tools are contributing to burnout

Personal Tech and the Pandemic: Older Adults Are Upgrading for a Better Online Experience

The Golden Hour

April 22, 2021

this time will be different

mn restraints story the74

"Nationally, more than 74,000 students were subjected to physical or mechanical restraint in the 2017-18 school year, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. That year, more than 2,400 Minnesota students were subjected to more than 11,600 instances of physical restraint. Minnesota, along with Texas and a cluster of Midwestern states, including Illinois and Iowa, were among the most frequent users of the practice, according to a 2019 analysis by ProPublica and The Chicago Tribune. In a blockbuster 2019 investigation, the news organizations found that Illinois schools frequently put students, most of them with disabilities, in padded "seclusion rooms" for reasons that violate state law, like refusing to complete schoolwork or using profanity. The data, which is self-reported by local school districts to federal education officials, is likely a significant undercount. "

Woman kicked off American Airlines flight over see-through mask

Lawmakers hear praise for community college apprenticeship programs

China's pursuit of leadership in digital currency

After the death of its president, Chad is on the brink

World pleasantly surprised as man filmed committing entire murder found guilty of it

Welcome To The Last Illegal 420

"Written around 1100, the Landnámabók ( Book of Settlements ), which documents the Norse arrival in Iceland in 874, makes a handful of volcanic observations: There is mention of "earth-fire" ( jaðeldr ), for instance, and "mountain lava fields" ( Borgarhraun, from Borg (a citadel, castle, or fortress-like hill) + hraun (meaning: a) lava; b) a cooled and hardened lava field; c) a crispy-creamy Icelandic chocolate bar). Yet, as Oren Falk, a historian at Cornell, and other scholars have observed, on the whole there is an apparent "utter disinterest in volcanic phenomena" in not only the Book of Settlements , but in all the Icelandic sagas and poems that follow, too. What accounts for this silence? "

Soccer fans destroyed the Super League

Is herd immunity to COVID-19 possible? Experts increasingly say no.

Sourdough, Pianos, and a New Way to Live: Inside the Rise of "No-Buy" Neighborhood Groups

"The beverage category is becoming a veritable forest full of mushroom lattes, coffees, seltzers and energy shots. Adaptogenic mushrooms are in vogue right now. So is beverage innovation and exploration. The younger generations' willingness to seek out and try functional, non-alcoholic beverages (including those laced with CBD) is driving the creation of a flurry of new products, all vying to become the next big thing. The shroom boom in the beverage category is reaping the benefits of all of these macro trends. "

"Calculating that T. rex survived for about 127,000 generations, the researchers came up with a figure of 2.5 billion individuals over the species' entire existence. Only 32 adult T. rex have been discovered as fossils, so the fossil record accounts for just one in about every 80 million T. rex. "

April 21, 2021

this time will be different

Biden's blunt opposition to marijuana legalization

The great capitulation of Trump's voter fraud crusade

The Blue States That Make It Hardest to Vote

Feds hit Roger Stone with $2 million tax suit

"Don't be one of those 'no fats, no fems' gays who thinks they're all that because they've got a decent body. You're hot, but there's always someone hotter!"

FBI says it interviewed FedEx mass shooter last year

Few Americans Who Identify As Independent Are Actually Independent. That's Really Bad For Politics.

Graphic Designers Have Always Loved Minimalism. But At What Cost?

COVID-19 in the Arctic -- Infographic

April 18, 2021

this time will be different

Same Energy: Reverse image search by vibe

U.S. Capitol Police officer cleared of wrongdoing in fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt during Capitol attack

How the Capitol Riot Suspects Are Challenging the Charges

Democratic lawmakers to introduce bill to expand Supreme Court to 13 justices

4 ideas for Supreme Court reform

U.S. preparing for 1-year COVID-19 booster shots; Pfizer chief sees need

"The more sophisticated plunderers have recognized that leaving those plundered just enough of their capital (and human) resources to rebuild their productive capacity can provide a basis for further happy plundering in the future. Herodotus tells of King Alyattes of Lydia, who, when attacking the ancient Greek city of Miletus, "refrained from tearing down their houses so that the Milesians could set forth from them to sow and work the fields, and through their work he would have something to plunder." From this it was a short step to seeing that the hard work of actual plundering itself might not be needed, the threat of plundering being enough. Tributesuch as the danegeld paid by the English and the Franks to keep the Vikings from raidingbecame a more elegant way to achieve, by blackmail, the same effect."

April 14, 2021